GBP/USD and EUR/GBP Sentiment Analysis and Charts
British Pound Forecast:
For all market-moving economic data and events, see the Monarch Capital Institute
GBP/USD retail trader data indicates a net-long position of 43.40%, with a short-to-long ratio of 1.30 to 1. Net-long traders have decreased by 18.07% since yesterday and 0.62% from last week. Conversely, net-short traders have increased by 23.53% since yesterday but declined by 2.02% from last week.
Our analysis typically adopts a contrarian stance to crowd sentiment. The current net-short position suggests a potential continued rise in GBP/ USD prices . The positioning is more net-short than yesterday but less net-short compared to last week. This combination of current sentiment and recent shifts results in a mixed GBP/USD trading outlook
GBP/USD Daily Price Chart

Change in | Longs | Shorts | OI |
Daily | 3% | -7% | -3% |
Weekly | 4% | -10% | -5% |
EUR/GBP retail trader data indicates a net-long position of 62.78%, with a long-to-short ratio of 1.69 to 1. Net-long traders have increased by 3.38% since yesterday but decreased by 21.19% from last week. Conversely, net-short traders have declined by 5.22% since yesterday but risen by 26.88% from last week. We typically adopt a contrarian stance to crowd sentiment. The current net-long position suggests a potential continued decline in EUR /GBP prices.
The positioning is more net-long than yesterday but less net-long compared to last week. This combination of current sentiment and recent shifts results in a mixed EUR/GBP trading outlook.
EUR/GBP Daily Price Chart